When is the best time to visit Smokies on a budget?

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We frequently come across this question on social media: "We're on a budget. When is the best time to visit the Smokies?" As many of us are tightening our purse strings, it's worth considering visiting during off-peak periods, which can save you up to 50% compared to peak season rates:


  1. Late August: Still summer, but rates are lower.
  2. Non-holiday September: As kids return to school, enjoy the low season and take advantage of deals.
  3. Mid-November: Between Veterans Day weekend and Thanksgiving, towns begin showcasing holiday decor, offering lower rates and fewer crowds.
  4. After Thanksgiving until early to mid-December: Take in the holiday atmosphere with greater availability and more budget-friendly prices.
  5. January, February, and early March: A great time to visit for budget-conscious travelers.
To save even more, plan your midseason and low-season stays from Sunday to Wednesday. Additionally, be sure to:
  • Regularly check our Specials page for discount codes and links.
  • Sign up for our newsletter - we often send email-only promotions and specials to subscribers for extra savings.
By following these tips, you can make the most of your Smokies experience without breaking the bank.